What is ARTLAB?
An APS, acronym for Social Promotion Association based in Spoleto in Umbria, born in 2009 in Rome, where it started and carried out for years, activities of Study and Training, Theater / Dance, Music and Cultural Events mainly, as well as Rome, Pescara and Abruzzo, to then continue from 2016 in Veneto and from 2023, finally also in Umbria. Since its foundation, ARTLAB has been active and operating above all in the territory of the Municipality of Rome, but also in Spoltore and Pescara. For several years, he collaborated in the care and management of the Network of Associations17 and in the "CCPP - Citizen Coordination of Participated Project" in Rome, the SOMS Municipal Theater in Spoltore (PE) and the MATTA Space (ex-Slaughterhouse in Pescara). Subsequently in Veneto, it activates seminars, workshops, theater laboratories and shows, also for schools. However, he immediately embarked on a path of collaboration with other organizations, with the PA and local authorities, in the areas of planning, creating and implementing cultural and artistic events, study paths and training modules, of social and general interest. In January 2023 he arrives in Umbria, collaborating and making his experiences, skills and competences available to the territory, in the field of Theatre, Events and Training. The meeting between the founders was lucky and fortuitous. Different cities, different histories, common passions, ARTLAB has been and will still be a collector of resources, sensitivities and skills, focused on the primary needs of people and on the humanistic evolution of communities. It is above all from this urgency that we continue to draw our life force. Starting from the Theatre, in its universal and symbolic expression. In 2009 we embarked on a journey with an unknown destination, guided only by the common passion for Art and by the constant respect for two inalienable ethical principles:
Freedom and Responsibility
Individual and collective. ARTLAB's initiatives and activities are aimed at the person as an individual who is part of a community, at citizens and at particular categories of it, such as children and their families, young people of school age and adolescents, often fragile as they are disadvantaged from the point of environmental, economic, cultural or social point of view. These activities aim to spread empathy and solidarity, to create sociability and to strengthen the civic sense, through the search for quality of life and relationships, to encourage individual and group spirit of initiative and therefore, through the exchange of experiences of the people involved, to increase their skills and competences. In fact, these years recount a long series of events and interventions that certainly took place in theaters and festivals, but also in various, different and heterogeneous places such as public spaces, museums and monumental areas, biblio/ludo/cine/media-teche, schools, summer camps, penal and rehabilitation institutions, natural and/or historical and thematic parks, which have contributed to giving back and creating added value to the communities present in all those areas involving urban areas and metropolitan suburbs, villages and centers history, areas with a tourist vocation, territorial contexts united by popular, rural and artisan traditions, etc. Thanks to the commitment of its associates and the aptitude for collaboration and contamination of ideas and expressive forms of Art, ARTLAB was able to make use of the dynamic, conceptual and concrete contribution of a considerable number of internal and external resources, in the artistic field and performative, as well as planning, organizational and implementation. Over time, these activities have strengthened and expanded one's own and others' skills, in paths of reciprocal and open "exchange of knowledge", continuing to favor sharing and listening, in the realization of common and socially useful objectives and projects. In the year of its foundation in 2009, ARTLAB immediately undertakes a series of actions, aimed at fostering relationships of collaboration and comparison with the other Associations which already culminate in 2010, with the creation of the first network of Associations in Municipality 1 (ex-XVII ) of Rome, aimed at supporting and developing common projects between the Network, the PA and the other realities operating in the area: the "Associations Network17". ARTLAB was entrusted with the Presidency of the associative network and legal representation of the same, from 2009 to 2015. In June of the same year, given the success of the initiative in Rome, the first Consortium of Artists was created and inaugurated in Pescara, aimed at the recovery and management for artistic and cultural purposes of the "MATTA", the former slaughterhouse, on behalf of the Municipality of Pescara. In the structure, of considerable architectural value, the so-called "industrial archaeology", from June 2010 to July 2013, the The "Per-Training Space" area is entrusted to ARTLAB which inserts on proscheming of entertainment and training events, numerous local and international artists. Both of the aforementioned networks are still active in their respective territories. Parallel to the artistic productions, above all theatrical and to the laboratory activities, in theaters and schools, ARTLAB plans and realizes the first edition of "StART!" event structured around a weekly program of shows, events and workshops, as part of the "Estate Romana", with the support of the Lazio Region and the Municipality of Rome. In the end, the event will count more than 2,500 visitors and will repeat with as many editions, also in the following two years. In 2010, ARTLAB designs and implements, with the support of the Municipality of Rome and the Municipality 1 (ex-17), the first edition of the "Festa delle Associations", an event with entertainment, games and showcase of the Associations, which will see the active participation of about 40 Members and an audience of hundreds of inhabitants. ARTLAB will take care of the organization of the subsequent events until 2015, consolidating an event that is today institutional, in the Municipality 1 of Rome. In 2010 ARTLAB designs and creates, in collaboration with Magma Teatro and Emergency, the first edition of “N.E.T. - New Theatrical Entities”. The event includes a pre-selection process of incomplete first works and/or entertainment projects by new companies and young authors, to be selected and included in a final event in which, over two weekends, will be presented in the form of "shorts", 12 works in progress. A technical/artistic Jury will assign to one of them a production prize of € 1,500.00 and the possibility of an artistic residence by ARTLAB, aimed at the creation and distribution of the show produced. ART LAB receives from July to September 2010 more than 200 envelopes with the material of as many entertainment projects. It will select 96 of them, 12 of which will participate in the final event of N.E.T. which also includes a brief debate/interview with the president of the jury Claudio Jankowski and the director Silvano Agosti. The event, broadcast live by PhTV and recorded on TVa40, will have a total of one thousand spectators. The following year, ARTLAB designs and successfully realizes in Pescara, the summer edition of “N.E.T. - New Theatrical Entities / Beach”. Again with the support of the Province and Municipality of Pescara, 2012 is the year of "BINARI - Pathways to Higher Theater Training". ARTLAB assists in the conduct of three masterclasses, three great protagonists of the national and international scene, to then conduct the final laboratory itself. The Living Theatre, with Gary Brackett, the Teatro del Lemming with Massimo Munaro and the actress, acting-coach and director, Patrizia Hartman. The course will see the participation of 25 young actresses and actors, and will lead to the creation of the workshop/show "Lucciole per Lanterne". In the three-year period 2013/2015, ARTLAB designs for Rete Associazioni17 and creates, in different locations in the city, with the support of the Lazio Region, the Province, the Municipality of Rome and the Municipality of Rome 1 (ex-17), two consecutive editions each of Festival "PRATIcare" Meetings of Theatre, Music and Dance, and "StreetArt" demonstration of Street Arts and Jonglerie. Over the years, ARTLAB has obtained for its projects the support and patronage of the Lazio Region, the Abruzzo Region, the Province of Rome, the Province of Pescara, the Municipality of Rome, the Municipality of Pescara, the Municipality of Spoltore (PE), the Municipality of Rome 1 ( ex-17). He has made book presentations and readings, he has conceived and launched the editorial project "TC-TeatroContemporaneo" in collaboration with the AGR Press press agency of Maurizio Riccardi, well-known journalist and son of the late Maestro Carlo, painter and historical photographer of Federico Fellini . ARTLAB, in addition to a series of minor events, has mainly produced original dramaturgies and research theatrical pieces: "InterZona-ZeroNove" (L. De Leonardis / M.Buono), "Tra un Dio e un Avatar" (L. De Leonardis / M.Buono), “Incipit N.5” (S. Venturini / M.Buono), “Lucciole per Lanterne” (M.Buono), “NO” (A. Lanciotti); Comedy Theater: "Try it again..Tommasino!" (G. Nerini / M. Buono); Musicals: "Willi De Punk & The Rebels Demens" (G. Nerini / M.Buono); Street theatre: "Oste...Bombardeno!" (A.Lanciotti / M.Buono); Shows for children: "Dust duster tells .." (De Leonardis / M.Buono) "The Wise King The Fool and the Grand Tournament of Religions" (L.DeLeonardis / M.Buono), "I Am..You Are. .” (M. Fracassi / M. Buono - Florian / ArtLab), but also some musical productions and video clips, in collaboration with B. Morrison (CSI, Marlene Kuntz), such as the soundtracks of the “People” exhibitions “CIMA - Center for Italian Modern Art” (NYC) music by M. Buono, images and clips by P.J. Hitckins, "The Angel and the Sybil" music by M. Buono, images and clips by A. Mezzanotte, for the exhibition: "LEONARDO - GENIUS AND VISION IN THE MARCHE LAND" Mole Vanvitelliana (AN), the music of the aforementioned musical "Willi De Punk & the Rebels Demens" and the related video clip "Mario the Vampire", directed by V. Becchetti, music by M. Buono, lyrics by G. Nerini. as well as the production of several albums and compilations by up-and-coming rock bands. He has benefited from numerous artistic residencies and seen his works accepted at some of the most authoritative theater festivals and competitions, at national and international level such as: "Teatri Riflessi" Festival (CT), "Fantasio Piccoli" Award (TN), Fringe Festival (RM), “Estate Romana” (RM), “Aria Nuova”, “FNT - Frammenti di Nuovo Teatro” and “Scenario Festival” (RM), “Festimôme Art'Euro” Aubagne (FRA), “Festivalul Internațional de Teatru de Stradă” Clui-Napoca (ROM), “CIMA - Center for Italian Modern Art” NYC (US), “Noorderzon Festival” Groningen (NL). He has inaugurated the tours of the shows produced, in theatrical spaces such as: Teatro Manzoni, Teatro San Genesio, Teatro Le Salette, Teatro Sala Umberto, Teatro Anfitrione, Teatro dell'Orologio, Teatro Studio Uno, Piccolo Re di Roma, Teatro Patologico in Rome, Florian Espace, SOMS Theater, Aurum Space and M.A.T.T.A., Teatro Comunale D'Andrea, Teatro Fenaroli in Abruzzo. He has had the privilege of collaborating with realities such as Living Theatre, Florian Metateatro CPT, Alhena Group, T-Quadra Teatro, Art'Euro, Foundation Noorderzon Groningen, Teatro del Lemming, Teatro Laboratorio Delta, Fondazione Teatro Jankowski, Multiethnic Children's Choir "Se …Sta Voce“, and with masters and artists such as: Jurij Alschitz, Silvano Agosti, C L Crugher, Claudio Jankowski, Patrizia Hartman, Paola Minaccioni, Massimiliano Bruno, Massimo Munaro, Gary Brackett, Andrea Lai, Dan Eckert, Sandro Conte, Monica Matticoli , Miro Sassolini, Mario Fracassi, Simona Lisi. We apologize if we have not been able to mention all of them, but certainly a dutiful side note: L'Aquila, 3:32 am, Monday 6 April, 2009, We cannot and do not want to forget the moment that (also) for us , overthrew a World. That wonderful Abruzzo-based solidarity and "family" fabric of relationships between People, Associations and Artists, of which the newborn ARTLAB, like many other organizations, is a part. In the aftermath of the earthquake, we collaborated with associations, individual citizens and committees, in organizing solidarity operations and in organizing events, to raise funds and aid, in support of the population affected by the earthquake. In particular, under the motto of "..Let's withdraw morale, then things..", together with the "Palomar" stat-up and the "3e32 CaseMatte" association. The archipelago of our sailing, the path that made such and until today, the creative development of the ARTLAB collective laboratory...

...but does ArtLab only deal with Theater?

… the Association mainly makes use of the activities provided on a voluntary, free and free basis by its Members or people who, by their free choice, carry out, through the Association, activities in favor of the community and the common good, making available the own time and own abilities…

Your Donation to ArtLab*

Donations to Social Promotion Associations (APS) such as ARTLAB-APS registered in the national register (RUNTS) generate a 30% deduction if you pay taxes in Italy